Mind F*** - Your Mental Connection is Everything

What is a mental connection?  

It is not uncommon for an individual to merely see another person and instantly have an intense liking for that person. For the most part, many relationships, in the beginning, are based on physical attraction. Everything happens fast, including sex.  First time sex is exhilarating, surprising and fun.   Then slowly the romantic fantasy starts to fade, and reality quickly appears. At this stage, some relationships break off and others continue in the dull mode for years.  But if you’re lucky, you manage to continue that vivacious sexual fun at every age.  And that intensity can only last with one thing … a stellar mental connection that only grows stronger during physical interaction.

A mental connection is what sets apart long-term relationships from short-term blips.  It is with this strength that relationships not only thrive, but they continue to evolve with each phase, bringing new sexual pleasures and heights to both sexes. 

How can a mental connection make your sex life better?

There are attractive people everywhere and it is not that difficult to make the initial physical connection. But finding someone who connects with you mentally is not that easy. We live in a society that is often fixated on physical things and often distracted with social media or television.  It is the rare individual who goes beyond that- this is the type of person you want.

Mental connection is not mutually exclusive from physical attraction, but it is much more.  involves having a similar intellect, shared physical interests, sexual chemistry. You do not always have to tell the partner your thoughts; he or she will know by just looking at you; the communication may be with the eyes, your body movements, or even touch.  This mental connection only comes from being present in the bedroom.  It is what elevates orgasms, provides nonverbal communication to your partner during intercourse, and allows you to transcend typical mind traps, allowing you to fully enjoy the present moment.

Don’t Let Your Mind F*** You During Sex

With busy lives, it’s easy to let your mind wander during intimate time.  There’s always something that must be done, another task to accomplish.  However, sex should be reserved for time free from other thoughts.  Otherwise, you’ll never reach the intense high you’re looking for.  In order to truly connect with your partner, you must be present in the bedroom.

When you’re able to accomplish this, you will instantly feel the mental connection; it is a special feeling for both of you. Everything that happens in the bed is synchronized. Every deep breath is felt from within.  Sex is not only fun, but also easy, relaxing, and gratifying. Every touch penetrates your heart and increases your desire for your partner.  All the movements are fluid and natural.

Neither partner needs to tell the other what to do in bed - it all comes effortlessly as if all intentions are known, and your minds are perfectly melded. The sex motions are like a well-orchestrated opera that sends sexual signals to your brain and keeps you immersed in the excitement that is occurring.  It is in this present moment that you are able to bond in a new way.

This is the type of sex that most people strive for; it is the ultimate in a relationship. When your mind is free from distraction and you can be present in the bedroom, there is a mental connection both partners feel which allows them to be safe and unguarded. Each partner pays attention to the other’s needs. Security is required for vulnerability, experimentation and satisfaction.  Otherwise, sex becomes functional, merely a mechanical movement that is performed separate from each other.

That's why controlling your mind during sex is so valuable and important.  Your objective should always be to connect with your partner and leave all other thoughts behind.  When sex is experienced this way, the intensity and pleasure increase to a pinnacle that is unachievable any other way or by any other means. 

How do you know when you have a mental connection?

  • You will know you have a mental connection when you start to notice the following feelings:

  • You feel truly comfortable around each other both in and out of bed

  • Everything comes easy

  • The other partner knows what you want and desire just by just looking at you

  • Everything you do together is acute

  • There is mutual respect

  • You feel very vulnerable but also feel safe

  • There is constant tingling and excitement when you are around the person

  • You envision being in the bedroom at every opportunity


Developing a deeply rooted mental connection does not happen overnight and doesn’t appear in short-term relationships.  It is truly a benefit of long-term love and sexual activity. Below are tips for improving the mental connection you share with your partner.

  1. Develop trust and be open. Make yourself vulnerable by sharing something you have not shared with anyone else. This sharing of a secret can be anything including your feelings, desires, needs, or a fact about yourself that no one else knows. For example, you may have wanted to try out a threesome or you may have made a porn video once upon a time. Take a deep breath and just say it.  Revealing these secrets can make you very vulnerable but if there is trust in your relationship, you will have nothing to worry about.

  2. Compliment regularly. Once you’re in a long-term relationship, it is easy to take everything for granted. But to cherish what you have, start complimenting your partner; this will maintain a healthy perspective as to why this individual feels special to you. In return, the partner will realize what you see in him and return the favor. By regularly complimenting your partner, you will never become invisible.

  3. Sexually satisfy your partner. One of the key reasons why many romantic relationships fail is because one partner does not do his or her share in bed. Countless studies show that couples who report true sexual satisfaction are closely mentally connected and have remained as such throughout their relationships. Take time to make love, know what your partner wants, involve foreplay, use sex toys and imagination. Sex can give you many levels of satisfaction and that doesn't always mean sexual intercourse; you can use verbal intercourse to achieve the same satisfaction. The idea is that you focus on creating better sex for both of you.

  4. Get out of your comfort zone. When life becomes busy, the relationship often suffers. Many couple are comfortable settling down in hectic everyday life, thinking that the relationship will endure. Often people lose value for their partner, they stop trying to understand or impress.  Consequently, rather than comfort, anger and resentment set in. To bring back the romance, it is important to get out of the comfort zone and have unique experiences. Be present in the bedroom; make time for your partner and do something different each week. 

Use your connection

Mental connection is not something you are going to observe across the room; it is something you feel in your brain. When you are in the present moment, feeling this connection, your partner may become more attractive to you. This mental connection will be like wearing ‘love goggles’ which allow you to see his or her heart. It creates a feeling that you want to spend the rest of your life with that person. 

As you explore the bedroom together, stay present during sex.  Use your mind to take you to new places.  The more you do together, the more open you'll be.  Take the time to develop this connection and nurture it as your relationship progresses.  This will be vital to building and maintaining the sex life you want.

Visit Erotism to learn new techniques in the bedroom that inspire a strong mental connection, helping you create better sex and wild nights.


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