7 Health Benefits from Your Sexual Connection

The ultimate expression for any relationship is sex, but for a significant number of people, there is a huge pause between what they really experience and what they yearn for. Initially, most relationships are fast, hectic, exciting, and exhilarating; there is a strong physical bond but even though the sex is frantic the sexual connection is not always present. There is much more to a sexual connection than just frequent sex.  In order to have "great" sex, it's important to think about sexual desire, your intimacy level and sexpectations. (no - that's not a typo) We all have different expectations in bed, so having open communication about what's needed to reach great sex, should always be a conversation worth having. From there, you can start to understand what's driving your sexual connection and what you can do to improve it.  Only then will you be able to truly enjoy the health benefits of sex.

What is a sexual connection?

Human sexual relationships are complex and involve both physical and emotional bonding, but despite the sexual desire, sometimes the sexual connection is not present. And this can lead to disappointment, anguish, frustration, and irritability. A sexual connection is what closes that ‘intimacy gap’ between two partners. Something as simple as a quick cuddle can bridge the gap and help couples bring couples closer.  When two people are sexually connected they are honest, trustworthy, passionate, open, but also vulnerable at the same time. Both partners know the deep secrets of each other that no one else on the planet knows. Without the sexual connection, sex is more like a duty to fulfill the obligations of a relationship/marriage. But once you develop strong sexual chemistry, you'll learn that an active sex life brings many benefits to your overall health.

A fun sex life, presents many benefits.

Today we know that good sex has physical and mental benefits that reach into the future. There have many studies describing the health benefits of sex which include the following:

  1. Good heart health.

    Sex is a form of exercise and if you do it regularly, it can improve your heart health. Of course, a 2-minute quickie won't do it; you will need to have sex at least 2 times a week and the session should last at least 10-15 minutes to increase your heart rate. Studies show that individuals who have sex at least twice a week have lower blood pressure, decreased risk of heart disease and stroke, compared to men who had sex once a month. Overall, both men and women burn 3-4 calories per minute during sex.  If you’re wondering, ‘is it healthy to have sex every day?’  The answer is - absolutely.  The health benefits and closeness will continue to build and grow, as you connect sexually. 

  2. Pain relief.

    Several studies have shown that women who simply look at their partner's photo have diminished menstrual cramps at the end of each month. So, if you are not in the 'mood' but are having menstrual cramps, glance at a picture of your partner. Other studies show that some women get pain relief for various aches, such as migraines, after sexual activity that produces a mind-blowing orgasm.

  3. Low-stress levels.

    Universally most studies on sex show that it can help reduce stress and anxiety. Women and men who are in a healthy relationship and have regular sex appear to be more content, happy and stress-free. These benefits of sex are also seen with masturbation, oral and anal sex. And remember the answer to the question, ‘Is it healthy to have sex every day?’  Yes!  Considering that you will enjoy reduced stress and anxiety, having sex every day is a powerful way to connect, relax and improve your overall well-being.

  4. Improved sleep.

    Hands down one of the immediate benefits of good sex is better sleep. Couples who have satisfying sex usually fall asleep immediately after the activity, and research shows that this sexual satisfaction leads to waking up feeling refreshed and reinvigorated. But the best part is that women who sleep well often report a much greater sexual desire and increased sexual energy.

  5. Better mood and a healthier relationship.

    During sex, there are many types of hormones and triggers released such as dopamine and endorphins, which play a role in mood and behavior. Studies show that during satisfying sex, these chemicals act as mood enhancers which often create an 'afterglow' in some women. Besides the afterglow, these women experience high self-esteem and feel energetic for several days. At the same time, men feel refreshed and happy - all this leads to a better partnership and higher sexual frequency. A few lucky ones who experience this afterglow often report intense orgasms and a more content partner.

  6. Improved aesthetics.

    Anecdotal reports from many women indicate that after satisfying sex their afterglow makes their skin look young and feel softs; the result is improved aesthetics. Researchers believe that this is due to higher levels of blood flow which occurs during sex. Not to mention, this increased blood flow provides additional natural vaginal lubrication.  And while we often focus on women, the same is true for men who enjoy frequent ejaculation.

  7. Weight loss.

    Finally depending on sexual frequency, you may experience healthy weight loss. Sex involves physical activity and burns calories. Some studies report that with 15 minutes of torrid sex, one can easily burn 100-200 calories and if you have sex twice a week that is nearly 400 calories. Over a month, it results in a loss of 1600 calories or about half a pound in weight loss. 

So, regarding the question, 'is sex good for you?' the answer is a resounding - YES!

Is it healthy to have sex every day?

We have already mentioned this, but let’s break it down for full transparency.  Sex helps our mental health and physical beings in multiple ways, but the question is how many times you need to perform the activity to gain these benefits. Most studies indicate that twice a week will suffice if the duration of sex is not less than 10 minutes. No studies have shown that sexual intercourse every day is harmful, in fact, studies continue to prove the overwhelming benefits of sex.  On the other hand, if you are going to have a quickie that lasts fewer than three minutes, you are unlikely to see any positive health benefits. Also, keep in mind that there’s a time and place for quickies, but maintaining a true sexual connection comes from continual sex with devoted time and space.  This is what produces the health benefits and gives couples a long-lasting connection. 

A healthy sex life stems from couples working together to develop roles and sexual play that provides fulfillment and lust for each person involved. Dedicating time to this party of your relationship, ensures strong sexual health for both of you. With benefits from reducing high blood pressure to improved sleep, and creating better moods, sexual intercourse is certainly not anything to miss in your love life.

Check out Erotism to learn more about how to develop or rekindle the sexual connection with your partner, so you can take advantage of these important health benefits AND enjoy even hotter sex.


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